As a watch enthusiast, collegiate rower, and casual marathon runner, I believe that watches should be more than delicate accessories kept in boxes. They should be robust companions, ready to tackle whatever life throws at us.

That's why I founded Watch Cobblers with a clear mission: to create exceptional, made-to-order watches with premium specs, without the luxury price tag. We're a small workshop specializing in modifying watches with premium materials to enhance their durability, functionality, and design.

Commitment to Quality

I operate by a simple principle: I only build watches I'd be proud to wear myself. This commitment to quality and personal satisfaction ensures that each modified timepiece leaving my workshop is nothing short of exceptional.

Watches That Keep Up With You

We're not just selling watches; we're inviting you to join a community of watch enthusiasts who believe a watch should be your best companion. Our watches are designed to be right there with you, keeping time and turning heads.

Find Your Perfect Watch

Ready to find your perfect timepiece companion? Explore our collection and experience the Watch Cobblers difference. Let's make every second count, together.

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I am incredibly grateful I'm able to share my love for building quality timepieces with all of you! Thank you for being part of our story!

Sidney Amsalem -Founder